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About Us

Our Electrician Team: Experts in Every Circuit

POPULAR POWER TECHNICAL SERVICES L.L.C is a leading contractor in electromechanical industry which provides services all over the UAE. The organization is a well-diversified, professionally managed business group having Operation in UAE dealing in Electrical, Mechanical Services supply, installation works as per DEWA & OTHER Authority rules and regulations.


2. Plumbing


Electrical, Low Current


POPULAR POWER TECHNICAL SERVICES L.L.C. has a complete team of experts, who have wide range of experience in all kinds of Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Water Supply and Electrical.


This method statement is intended to demonstrate our professional commitment to ensure that we provide all the facilities required, as laid down in the contract documentation to the entire satisfaction of the Project Team complying with all local and statutory regulations and to ensure that a quality facility is handed over on time and within the budget. This method statement is divided into specific headings to identify our interpretation of the Project requirements. It is intended to be rigid in its structure, but is flexible and open to development jointly with the main contractor’s site management and further development as the project moves through the various phases of construction, testing and commissioning. We recognize the advantages to be gained from an adequately prepared and adopted method statement part of which is

At an early stage, the following activities are performed.

• Qualified personnel are assigned to fill the positions as designated on the Organization Chart.

• Drawings and documentation are examined and interface checks are performed.

Installation & Repair

• Qualified personnel are assigned to fill the positions as designated on the Organization Chart.

• Drawings and documentation are examined and interface checks are performed.

• Material Take Offs (MTOs) are prepared.

• Construction schedules, indicating discipline and activity are prepared and issued for approval.

Lighting Solutions

• Material Take Offs (MTOs) are prepared.

• Construction schedules, indicating discipline and activity are prepared and issued for approval.

• Drawings and material submittals register and programs will be

Safety Inspections

• Drawings and material submittals register and programs will be

• The Cost Engineer and Planning Engineer will develop a system, which upon approval of the Client, will be used for the monitoring of and payment of completed work in accordance with the Project Control

Panel Upgrades

• The Cost Engineer and Planning Engineer will develop a system, which upon approval of the Client, will be used for the monitoring of and payment of completed work in accordance with the Project Control

• The Personnel Manager under the direction of the Project Manager will commence recruitment and mobilization of craftsmen necessary to supplement our existing work force if necessary to comply with the
construction program.

Generator Services

• The Personnel Manager under the direction of the Project Manager will commence recruitment and mobilization of craftsmen necessary to supplement our existing work force if necessary to comply with the
construction program.


During the construction programs, all operatives are continually directed by the Construction Supervisors to ensure that the installation confirms with applicable specifications and drawings and that their productivity is maintained at a consistently high level.

Once construction work commences, the Site Team prepares an “As built” file on changes to design documentation and nearer to completion stage all the documentation is brought up to “As built” status and finally submitted to the Client for approval. On completion, the project is handed over to the client using the contract testing and acceptance documentation. Our own company documentation would be used to supplement the Client’s procedures.

During the execution of the project, the project manager and his team will continually liaise with the project team to agree proposals, variations and changes and resolve any construction issues that arise during the project.


The Project Manager has complete control and responsibility for the day-to-day management of the project reporting back to the General Manager. The Project Manager will liaise with the engineers and project team on site to ensure smooth running
and timely completion of the project.


We consider the principle of matching a team to a particular project to be of fundamental importance. The key staff driving the contract through from inception to final testing, commissioning
and hand over being chosen carefully to match the needs of the project. It is normal within our organization for the Project Manager to take positive control of the essential management and
co-ordination aspects of the work.
From the project management structure, it can be seen that the project will be very much “Construction Driven” by them on site team. The Head Office will act as service unit in support of the site team. It is essential for the successful execution of a project such as this, in very restricted surroundings, that construction activity is properly coordinated and interfaced between the services contracting team and team members of other primary packaged contractors.


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